Our Glitter Rose Bouquet is the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers, or just because your special someone deserve it.

We designed our glitter roses using a material that perfectly mimics the appearance of real roses, ensuring they remain beautiful forever.
How long does the eternal rose last?
How long does the eternal rose last?
Our glitter roses are crafted to last indefinitely, preserving their stunning appearance and sparkle without any special care.
Do i need to water or maintain the roses?
Do i need to water or maintain the roses?
No, our glitter roses do not require any watering or maintenance. They are designed to stay beautiful forever without any upkeep.
How do i assemble the bouquet?
How do i assemble the bouquet?
To save on shipping costs and keep the bouquet as affordable as possible, we ship the roses and wrapping paper separately, along with easy-to-follow instructions for quick assembly. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to put together your bouquet.
How can i contact you?
How can i contact you?
You can contact us a support@amouralove.com